Monday, March 21, 2011

Glass Half Full

After a lot of thought and online research, I'm going to give the hynosis a shot. The woman I am seeing has rave reviews online and Christina from the TLC site said that she does know about 60 people who had success with hypnosis (granted that was out of thousands she has met with who have trich although she didnt know how many had unsucessfully tried this method).

The decision was actually the result of a call from my mom, who at first was very skeptical of the idea. I told her I was mostly just worried about spending $500 and then it not working. She asked me "how much would you spend for a cure?" The answer: Thousands. I would give away every penny I had in savings, granted its not much, if it meant not having urges to pull ever again. My mother made me see that I was so worried about spending the money if it didnt work, but if it did work then it would be the best $500 I've ever spent. Thanks mom.

My boyfriend and my sister are also on board and basically said the same thing as my mom so this Thursday at 1pm I'm going to give it a try. Christina (the TLC support group moderator) said that I have to understand that even if it works it does not mean I no longer have trich, it just means I've had help controlling the urges but still need to be on guard and may even need a "refresher" hynosis in a few years.

Another plus is that I've also asked the hynotist to convince me that I love to exercise and hate eating sweet foods. She said she would. Why not make the most of that $500? I've already lost 5 pounds this week just by cutting out bad foods and exercising for an hour 5 times a week but I'll take all the help I can get :)

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