When I first started this blog I said that maybe, JUST MAYBE, I would have the nerve to actually post photos. Well, clearly that has not happened but I'm really struggling again and today, while taking photos of my finger, I figured I should take a chance, a big chance. I know that the odds are I dont know anyone that may be reading this blog or who may one day read this. And if they do, it's likely they share the same "secret" about trich that I do and would never say anything. Realistically, no one will have a clue who I am from these photos which dont even show my whole face but it's still terrifying.
So, here are the photos, the honest truth of how I've been struggling with trich lately after I had finally grown back my eyebrows and eyelashes. Clearly you can see I still have make up on from this morning but I knew that if I went into the bathroom and removed the make up, by the time I came back I would have lost my nerve.
Believe it or not, this small insight into who I am is a HUGE step for me but I know its time to be a little more accountable and this blog has been very helpful to my own personal battle and it's time I took full advantage of it. I'm hoping that my showing these photos (which also make visible the forehead wrinkles I spoke of a while back- thank you trich for premature wrinkles) I will never be able to make excuses, like "no one will ever notice if I just pull this one". I hope you notice, I hope I show you, I hope I stop making excuses.
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