Monday, August 16, 2010

Here we go again..... and again.... and again

This may be the 5000th time I've said "ok, here we go again" but I guess that may be the only way to fight this disease. Each time we fall we have to have the strength to keep getting back up and not just give up. It's hard and frustrating and exhausting but I would imagine any "addiction" type situation would be. So, here I go again.

I've been doing a little better the last week which isnt to say that I've been perfect. I could certainly do better. My left eyelashes now look a LOT better than my right (funny how it goes from one to the other) and they are almost entirely back, or at least back enough that with a little mascara no one would notice. My eyebrows are still too thin and my right eyelashes are spotty at best, although I've still yet to touch the bottom lashes.

Sometimes the external motivator really helps and at the moment I've been casually seeing two guys, both of whom I really like. Now that I've had the experience, just a few months ago, of having almost all my lashes back to the point where I didnt think about it, I want THAT feeling back. The energy it takes to "conceal" trich is exhausting and I'm sure I have a hundred places where that energy would be better spent. So, today is day 1 again. I havent pulled in 24 hours. Here's hoping for another 24.

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