Saturday, June 9, 2012

1 down, 139 to go

I have made it 24 hours. I consider it an accomplishment but know that the encounter with the make up artist is still fresh in my mind so it's easier right now. I also have those hideous pictures with the freakish color eyebrows still fresh in my mind. So while today might be easy, tomorrow will get harder. As will the day after that. And so on. But now I have 139 days to go so I'll just be happy to have 1 day down.


  1. How are you doing Kimberly? You are in my thoughts and prayers! You can do this! One day at a time- don't look in the mirror and don't touch your face...PERIOD!!! You will do just fine if you obey those two rules! I am here for you if you need help! I want to help you- you have helped me so much!
    Your sister,

  2. Thanks so much. It's not going well and it's so frustrating as I'm sure you know. How are you doing? Any good tips? I dont even pull at the mirror- it's all the time, wherever I am. I just touch my hair and then become obsessed with pulling out whatever hair feels different or out of place. It's awful :(

  3. I did really great on my 7 week vacation!!! Yeah! Now that I am back to my daily life, I am not doing so well, but I do have a good tip for you that you probably are not going to like! My husband challenged me to throw all of my make-up away. He gave me a month to do it so I had a chance to grow in hair. I didn't want to at first, but it has been so freeing to not apply makeup in the past 2 months! I love it! Let me know if you can commit to doing the same! One month from when you read this! You can account to me (it always helps me to have someone to account to!). We will keep trying things together until we both lick this thing- you are not alone in this! I will try extra hard the next month to not pull in honor of getting ready for your wedding! You will be a beautiful bride...with or without your hair, but you will have hair- think positive thoughts! Pull back on the arrow and let it fly!!! You can do it!!! Be patient with yourself, and keep hoping to overcome this challenge! You will! I don't even know you, but I love you as my sister, and I want you to be perfect (complete and whole) on your wedding day and every day thereafter! Let's start with today and tackle tomorrow when it comes! Here is a challenge for the day- go serve someone! I will do the same. When you are serving someone, you are serving our Father in Heaven. Let's get our minds off our own struggles and problems and find someone else to serve! I will go do it right now! Have a great day- no, Make a great day! You are awesome- don't forget it! Do not let trich pull you down! I sure know that it can, but we must not let it!!!

    1. Wow, I am super impressed. I'm not sure that I could throw out all my make up- I'd definitely feel to self conscious, especially with work. How is it going? You have guts. I hope you are still doing great and wish I had your courage!
