Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weekly report

Things are definitely starting to improve but this morning I was confronted with the ugly reality that I still havent broken up with my tweezers. I have plenty of excuses why but that is all they are, excuses. I'm so self conscious of all the other little hairs that no one else would notice and yet that is the biggest excuse I keep telling myself- "I'm just waiting to get them out one more time and then I'll throw away the tweezers". Ha, we'll see.

Now is the perfect time to have all my eyelashes and eyebrows, it's summer (obviously) and there are more of my "reasons to stop" then ever- sun, bright lights, swimming, you name it. Oh, and there is the new guy. My eyes and eyebrows arent horrible but they arent fabulous either. With working out and doing pilates fairly regularly now to keep my anxiety low, I'm starting to feel a lot better and I want to look how I feel. The next step for me is also giving up my couple cigarettes a day a habit in which I disgust myself. July 1 is the date for quitting that horrible habit.

Sadly I think one of the biggest driving factors behind quitting smoking and getting my trich back under control is the effect this will all one day have on my aging process. I've already noticed the wrinkles that have been forming on my forehead b/c I constantly scrunch my forehead when I'm feeling my eyelashes and eyebrows. It's such a vicious cycle. I dont want to be one of those people who is 50 and looks 85. No thank you. So maybe being a little vain in this situation is a good thing. I'm getting ready for the big 30th bday which I'm actually very excited about and continuing to work on setting new goals and evaluating where I can improve in my life, with one of my top priorities being to continue my struggle to beat trich.

Anyway, this was a little bit of a random post but I guess it helps just to get all my thoughts down and the last few weeks have been so busy that I havent had the most organized thought process anyway. I hope anyone reading this is doing well with their own struggles with trich, stay strong, it's a new day (and a really, really hot day!)

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