Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The ups and downs of winter

It's been a crazy few months. I knew starting a business would be crazy but I had no idea how many steps were involved! On Friday I finally left my old job which was a pretty big mix of emotions. I love some of the people I was working with (to be honest there were only 4 people besides my boss, i liked everyone but him) but it was definitely time to go and even on my last day my boss provided me with a wonderful reminder of why I was doing the right thing (apparently telling the new "marketing" guy he has already screwed over that I left b/c I had a trust fund and he wouldnt make me partner- haha!) Oh, how I wont miss the bullshit and the drama.

So a new chapter has now begun. I was exhausted working my old job and trying to get the new firm up and going. On Monday we finally launched our website and began emailing announcements. We've been so fortunate to already have some clients so that has eased a small, small amount of the financial burden.

On to important matters. Trich. I wish I had better news although I guess it's not all bad. I slipped. About a week or so ago I was exhausted, let down my guard, and began to pull from my left eye. There was one hair, one stupid hair, that was 'above' all the others so of course that one had to go. Then it was uneven so another went. Then it didnt look right so another after that. You know how it goes. I think all in all I pulled about 5 or 6 hairs from the same general spot so if you look closely, its certainly noticeable and I'm back to relying on eyeliner in the interim.

I knew I should stop. i kind of wanted to stop but honestly not all that bad- it felt pretty good. Until it was over, then, like every other time, I felt like crap. My eyebrows, or what little continues to be left of them, have not gotten better or worse since the last time I posted. So now we are coming on a year since I began this blog and I definitely have been analyzing my ups and downs, thinking what I can do different. While I'm glad at all the progress I have made, I wont lie, I'm still disappointed that for yet another year my resolution will be to "beat trich". I havent smoked since August which is good but they dont lie when people say you put on 10-15 pounds after quitting smoking. So this week I hit the gym again and am recommitting to my fight against trich- I am the only one responsible for how I look and feel right now and it's time I took a little more ownership of myself.

There will always be stress, maybe now its not because of my boss but because I will worry where my next paycheck will come from. There will ALWAYS be an excuse. All of this is part of life. I can own it or let it own me. So I will continue to try and come up with a way to beat trich and, in the meantime, try and become a better blogger for those of you that are supportive and kind enough to read my blog and have offered words of encouragement. I hope this next year brings all of you success with this stupid disease. Maybe one day there will actually be a cure but until then we just keep on fighting..

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