Monday, May 16, 2011

Traveling with trich

I am back from a wonderful vacation in Italy- we traveled to some really incredible places, ate a ton of great food and met some very interesting and lovely people. I am proud to say that my eyelashes are looking amazing and, for possibly the first vacation ever, I never worried about how they looked. I put on a little mascara in the morning and despite the dozens and dozens of pictures we were taking, many of them close ups, I could go all day and never worry that I needed to reapply. I didnt even bring my eyeliner with me during the days! Crazy and so liberating!

My eyebrows are another story. I can't stop messing with them. My tweezer has been long gone but my hand and fingers still love to grab on to the little stubby hairs and the longer hairs that are on the outer brows. Sometimes I will scratch at a hair, trying to will it to free itself from the skin just a little more so I can grab it and tug. Once I have scratched at it it will hurt and I become that much more aware of it. I didnt even seem to care that I would do it in front of my boyfriend. Every hair that was trying to make an appearance I would attack. When I freed that little stubby hair I would feel so good, like a weird sense of relief. Then on to the next one, or even waiting the next day until a new one arrived. Such a vicious cycle.

Right now my eyebrows are thin, not the worst they have ever been (granted, the worst was when they were non-existent) but not as good as they were a few months back. The sunny and BRIGHT weather we were fortunate to have in Italy reminded me that the summer is just around the corner where my eyebrow makeup will be that much more visible to anyone sitting close to me. I want to feel the same carefree way about my eyebrows that I feel about my eyebrows it's just so hard to stop. I guess today is a new day so I'm just going to try not to grab the little fuckers today. I'll deal with tomorrow tomorrow. I guess for now I should also just try to look at the glass half full and be happy I have my eyelashes and make sure I focus too on keeping that up- one is better that none but to have both back would be amazing.

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